04.28.2017: Episode 200 (aka Monsterpalooza Post Mortem)
Oh my glob, you guys…. Can you believe it? This is the TWO HUNDREDTH freaking episode of the Kaijucast!
I’m super happy to make this momentous occasion coincide with our coverage one of the coolest conventions to happen every year, Monsterpalooza. Earlier this month Jeff, Clancy and I went down to Los Angeles (more specifically, Pasadena) for this incredible Spring show. I’ve been attending Monsterpalooza off and on for several years and it’s a really fun time — and I swear it continues to get more fun as the years continue. If you love monsters and sci-fi and special effects makeup and haven’t checked it out, perhaps our discussion of the what we did and saw at the convention will sway you to attend one day.
This episode primarily focuses on our time at and around Monsterpalooza – we even dive into our post-con Monday adventures in LA. Because #200 is a special episode, however, we have some really cool voices join us for this event, so big thanks to those folks (I won’t spoil it for you). Hope you enjoy the episode – make sure to check out more awesomeness below!
The gears of the Kaijucast machine are in motion and some really fun stuff is in the works for this summer, make sure you keep tabs on what we’ll be producing in the coming months!
1. King Kong Escapes US Trailer audio (1967)
2. Hats Off To You (Godzilla) by the Groovie Ghoulies from Freaks On Parade (2001)
3. Ultra Q Theme by the Garamones from GARAMONES (2016)
4. Shallow Water Trailer audio (from their Kickstarter campaign – 2015)
5. Attack Mechagodzilla by the Kagaku Toku Sotai band (recorded live in 2014)
Motoko Nagino Sakamoto’s Stunt action Demo Reel
Preorder Ishiro Honda: A Life In Film, from Godzilla to Kurosawa via Amazon (due Oct 2017)
Some of the shops we visited on Magnolia Boulevard in Burbank:
– Halloweentown
– Bearded Lady Vintage
– Blast From The Past
Mega thanks to all of the listeners, both old and new alike, for making these two hundred episode fly by; here’s to another two hundred! You’ll have to imagine my raised beer glass here.
*BTW – the Japanese voice you hear at the end is the voice of Mizuho Yoshida with his congratulations — I didn’t have time to get it interpreted for the episode, so consider it a little treat for anyone who can understand Japanese. 😉
Check out the photo gallery from our adventure!